The Paramita with Maura Sills

The Paramita or Perfections of Wisdom are natural qualities of our being nature. They are to be reclaimed and uncovered rather than be learned. These qualities are part of our ethical, authentic nature. As we orient to them it opens us up to non dual consciousness and more synchronicity and easeful way of being in our world.
The seminars will combine meditation, talks and experiential practices.
Dates and time
The seminars will be held on Zoom on the following Tuesday evenings from 6.30 pm to 8 pm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which corresponds at 7.30 pm to 9 pm CET:
– Jan 21st
– Feb 18th
– Mar 25th
Dana (free offering) for the teachings and the translation + annual membership card (25 euros).
The payment has to be done through bank transfer to:
Associazione Sati Mudita
Iban IT83 E030 6909 6061 0000 0128 339
Causal: Surname and Name of the participant – Paramita with Maura Sills
Or through the following paypal account: segreteria@satimudita.com
Maura Sills is the Founder of Core Process Psychotherapy which offers an innovative psycho-spiritual approach to therapy. The Karuna Institute integrates western psychotherapeutic models with Buddhist psychology and mindfulness practices. Drawing on over 30 years of experience, Core Process Psychotherapy offers a depth understanding of what helps and hinders healing insight and transformation.
Maura is an Honorary Fellow of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and Director of Training at the Karuna Institute which offers Master Degree Programmes in Buddhist Mindfulness Based Psychotherapy along with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Retreat.
For further information and enrollments, please fill the form below or write to: segreteria@satimudita.com