Coming Home – Online meeting via Zoom with Vinny Ferraro – Spirit Rock

In this session led by Vinny Ferraro, we will practice feeling at home in the present moment, embracing whatever arises for us with care.
Through radical acceptance, we’ll discover what becomes possible when we meet ourselves just as we are.
The meeting includes a meditation practice and a talk.
Date and venue
The meeting will be held online via Zoom on TUESDAY, APRIL 29th, from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM (CET).
Participation fee
This session is open to all and offered on a donation basis for the teacher and translator, plus an optional membership fee (for more details about the membership, click here).
Donations and the membership fee (if owed) can be sent via a single bank transfer to:
Associazione Sati Mudita
IBAN: IT83 E030 6909 6061 0000 0128 339
Reason for payment: Participant’s last name and first name – Zoom session with VINNY FERRARO
Vinny Ferraro is a leading figure in the field of Mindfulness and specifically works with educators and incarcerated individuals. He has been trained and teaches in the Buddhist tradition of deep insight and has been leading the Big Heart City Sangha in San Francisco since 2004. The authenticity of his teachings reaches the hearts of many people.
As a fully qualified Dharma teacher at Spirit Rock and the Insight Meditation Society (IMS), he leads residential retreats at Spirit Rock, the Insight Meditation Society, and the Esalen Institute. He currently heads the Year to Live course at Spirit Rock in the United States, where he shares his teachings alongside Frank Ostaseski and leads one-day or multi-day retreats at Big Heart City and meditation centers across the country.
For further information and enrollments, please fill the form below or write to: segreteria@satimudita.com